
Verdades Del COVID

Client: Washington Dept. of Health
Agency: C+C
ROLE: Art Direction, Lead Design

Remote video art direction and interactive website, print ads, factsheet, and social carousel targeting misinformation around the COVID-19 Pandemic.

When research showed more than 60% of Washington’s Hispanic and Latino population remained unvaccinated for COVID-19, the state Department of Health partnered with C+C to create a unique, culturally-informed approach to help increase vaccination rates by targeting misinformation with the in-language Verdades Del COVID print and digital campaign.

Mentira Mariachi - COVID Vaccine PSA from Washington State Department of Health, 2022

The interactive website design was a tall order of parallax scrolling illustrations working to cover up the COVID misinformation as soon as one scrolled to read the whole myth [keeping in spirit with the campaign’s predecessor video I art directed remotely for pre and post production.) Major props to Jennergy for their web development work.

Homepage Myths

Print ad appearing in various community media outlets

Photographer: Marco Bollinger

Website footer graphic linking to more video resources from WA Dept. of Health’s growing collection of in-language medical expert testimony filmed throughout the early years of the pandemic.

Social Carousel - English

Social Carousel - Spanish

Bilingual factsheet available for download HERE

This work earned our C+C team and video production partner INVISIBLE COLLECTIVE Northwest Regional Emmys!